That Ibiza has a strange magnetism for creative talents is a fascinating reality. It's no secret that Ibiza boasts the greatest concentration of international talent on a tiny island. They have found inspiration and fulfilment from the simple, spiritually enriching, Ibicenco way of life. 'Tranquilo', the most popular Ibicenco word, means 'Finding Inner Peace in Harmony with Nature'


Communication wizard Sydney in the old days.
Sydney playing guitar during the golden Ibiza days.
Sydney in one of his early Ibiza films.
Sydney the young filmmaker with Bolex camera at the port of Ibiza during one of his early documentaries.
Black and white photo of the young pr wizard.
Sydney the young artists, pr wizard and communicator with his grandfather and assistant.

The young public relations wizard of Ibiza.

Sydney the young show and mock-bullfighter in the Plaza de toros.
The communication wizard in action.

WONDERBOY SYDNEY in action during the old days,the weekly bullfight show in the Plaza de Toros de Ibiza.
The golden Ibiza days.
Sydney, the young gypsy- flamenco performer playing one of his incredible fast gypsy rhumbas,as if you were listening to seven instruments at the same time. The gypsies and flamenco artists came to him for extra flamenco and rumba lessons.

He spoke in a combination of 13 languages at eight years old and had the greatest contacts in the world. The elite and the Ibiza bohemians and artists of those days always took him serious in everything he said and did, they always followed his advice. Sydney was an amazing boy with a great sense of humor who cured his friends,collegues and clients physically and mentally with his amazing natural light-energy, helped them, introduced them to eachother and fixed the unfixable for them in business and private. A young boy with a character but, who understood life very quickly and knew where he was going, the world had never seen a child like this before! Born on Ibiza,he was the youngest private advisor, communication wizard and artist. Ibiza itself as a center of the world was Sydney's best school in life and during the 1960's he also became the representative of the so called "School of Ibiza" the artgroup representing quite a few international and Ibizan artists and painters. From youngest pioneer communicator, mock-bullfighter and flamenco performer to painter and,from youngest show,event and film producer to an elite troubleshooter.The Ibiza papers , Diario de Ibiza and La Prensa published many articles, pages and stories over the years on Sydney and his amazing activities and adventures and for his special early Ibiza promotions for the island during the old days.As a confidential adviser to quite a few personalities of the 1960s and 1970s a phonecall from this young boy could change people's life or careers in seconds. He was known for having some of the best quality contacts in the world and at many levels of society. It was also on Ibiza where he build up his first international communication and solution base in consulting and guiding leading indiviuals, families and companies. Sydney has amazed many people over the years, he started his amazing multiple activities and careers on this magic white island during the golden epoque of the sixties and became a mascot of the elite, artists and bohemians not only on the white island but, all over the world. He was able to interact with nature and people in the most natural way. Sydney' said' I am glad that I didnt waste to much of my time by going to school or all these international schools. I did a few and went to the best ones but, there was nothing they could teach me I didnt know yet. Life itself and specially Ibiza was my best school in life, life itself. I did realize that I was a bit different compared to other children,I also know that I was born with several unusual talents but, it was the natural Ibiza magic,nature itself that gave it the extra push I guess, it worked for me, the rest is history.
Ibiza: Lord Sydney.
Lord Sydney fue conocido durante su ninez como un “nino prodigio”, pues desde muy joven mostraba
tener un gran talento en diversas áreas. Lord Sydney pasó su infancia en varios países y eso le permitió cultivar su gusto por el arte. Sydney comenzó su actividad como pintor en Ibizaen los anios 60´s y varias de sus pinturas se encuentran en colecciones privadas, pero también en el muso privado del pintor. Los oriundos de la isla se enorgullecen de tener a un pintor, fotógrado, consultor, etc. con tanto talento y además con un instito altruista muy generoso. Entre otras cosas, Sydney documentó la historia de Ibiza con sus fotografías y su obra puede ser apreciada en la isla.

Frans van Dusschoten and Leen Valkenier at the Fabeltjeskrant studios
and Leen Valkenier with the young Sydney composing and writing.
By Mariano Plannels.
Ibiza Times Old Days es un ameno y documentado blog que recupera facetas e imágenes de la Ibiza de los años 60 (y a menudo de finales de los 50), que combina con otras fotos relacionadas, dibujos y ficciones que componen un mosaico abigarrado.
En una de estas entradas memorables recopila 82 fotos donde sobresalen algunos personajes de la Ibiza de la época, incluso de los años 70 y otros añadidos que resaltan la variedad imaginativa de la isla.
Agradezco que me incluya con tres fotos en esta serie tan excitante.
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Lord Sydney and Ibiza Dog. |
Lleva Ibiza impresa en su pasado y en su presente y denota un intenso sentimiento por aquellos años tan peculiares donde Ibiza apenas había despegado en el turismo de masas que ha acabado con la isla. Hoy Ibiza ya es otra cosa.
Muchas de estas caras inolvidables de nuestras calles y terrazas de nuestras cafeterías son todo un compendio de historia local. Un compendio de historias reales, ficciones, epopeyas fantásticas e inventos que han dado la vuelta al mundo.
Además, personalmente reconozco a no pocos de los elefantes que incluí en mi serie de entrevistas, "Ibiza, la senda de los elefantes", tomo I y tomo II.
Agradezco a Lord Sydney que con su excelente trabajo, lleno de amorosa minuciosidad, nos ayude a preservar la memoria de estas presencias singulares del siglo XX en las Pitiusas.
¡Salud y larga vida al amigo Sydney!