The Ibiza bar scene was a scene on it's own.
Cosmopolitan artists,writers and bohemians mixed with the in-crowd made a unique and interesting melange of open minded people. The Ibiza bar scene were not just alcoholics or lost souls but, there were quite a few big brains and thinkers among them and many things of what we know as today - started in those pubs on good old Ibiza.
Old Ibiza friends Peter Kinsley, Lord Sydney and Steve Seley, between them they knew the whole world and anyone who was anyone. On Ibiza they use to say; If you dont know Peter, Sydney or Steve you dont know anything and no one.
Also read Peter Kinsley on You can also read more about Peter and his other books on

Pictures above; Peter, Sydney, Steve.
Picture under; The young Sydney and his mother Lady Adriana at Talamanca.
The Ibiza bar scene was a life on it's own.
Many international writers, painters, artists were part of that special ambiance and bar scene which took place mainly between the 1960's and untill 1980. The young fixer and prodigy Ibiza PR boy Sydney ( aged 8) knew all the bars and restaurants as well as all the important people on the island. This boy has been the special guest of many foreigners and founding fathers during his childhood and became their mascot for all their wishes and activities, no other boy than Sydney knew what was cooking on the island and where to be at the right time. He took many on his insider bar tours and introduced many artists and personalities to one another as well as to some of the best restaurants in town apart from inviting them to his meeting finca where most of the old Ibiza elite use to visit for monthly meetings organized by the young Sydney. He has been helping and guiding many people from all over on Ibiza untill the age of 19. We like to thank the Lord Sydney museum exhibition for the photographs and the drawings. (To read more about Sydney, look at our other Ibiza Times pages)
The Amazing PR boy of old Ibiza and the bar scene of the 1960's and 1970's.


Pictures : a bunch of familiar Ibiza faces from the old days.
Drawing of The Tavern in calle de la virgin with it's mix of weard visitors over the years. Bar pioneer Peter and Britt Ross creators of the George and Dragon in the Calle Mayor (d'Enmig) and later the Lord Nelson in Figueretas. Ibiza Truus (Lady Adriana) at the George and Dragon during the old days. American writer Steve Seley at his famous Bar Estrella. Lord Sydney at the Estrella in a later epoque. Collage of pictures with i.e.Dutch writer Bert Schierbeek and wife and Berny Bishop. Jan-Gerhard Toonder and two pictures of the younger Lord Sydney over the years.

Ibiza and D'alt vila.
The 3 returning bottles above.
Magno,Veterano and 103 which you could find in any bar on Ibiza and on the mainland.
Frigola is one of Ibiza's most famous local drinks with its old cousin Hierbas and its old cousin Absinth,which was re-introduced in a new jacket.
Ibiza had many bars in the old days. Old typical bodegas, old fashioned bars, bars with style, fishermen bars, local bars, hippie bars, hide away bars, etc...In Ibiza town one of the most popular meeting cafes was La Estrella on the port, mainly for coffee hours but, afternoon drinks were also popular there.Estrella was the place to meet the artists and new people, it was one of Steve Seley's second homes, specially the terrace. Other popular meeting bars in town were i.e. Waunas Bar from actress Wauna Paul,the George and Dragon from pioneer Peter and Britt Ross, bar La Manana (Roy and Snowy were running that one) and the Tavern from Martin Meeson. Toto's Bar from Luis Cardona, etc, etc, etc.but! the real old typial bars at the time were Catalina's and El Dorado,those two bars were mainly visited by Ibicenco's, the bohemian in-crowd and elite members of society or international writers and artists living on Ibiza.
Drawing above.THE MORNING COFFEE MEETINGS AND AFTERNOON DRINKS. Bar Estrella on the port with l.t.r.Steve Seley,Lord Sydney,Orson Welles, Salvador Dali, Alain Teister aka=Jacques Boersma), Erik De Vries and J.G.Toonder.
Also see the items La marina and the bohemian drinkers.